Electric Fires

Get the ambience and aesthetic finish of a fireplace without the hassles. No chopping, stacking and carting of wood, and no mess needed! Electric or flame effect fires utilise fan-forced heating to create a feeling of comfort and cosiness, with a warm glow. The added bonus is you save on set up with lower installation costs as there’s no flue needed, they provide instant and consistent heat, at the flick of a switch. They are also extremely safe with no exposed flames or hot glass to worry about, making them an ideal option for young families, people with rental properties, Air B&Bs and holiday homes or in tight spaces where a fireguard or shield and floor protection isn’t an option.

Hotspot Installations stock a wide range of electric fireplaces.

Visit our showrooms at 96 Kelvin Street, Invercargill  ☎ 03 2188802 

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